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Автор: Sveta on .

DOI: http://doi.org/10.31617/visnik.knute.2019(127)04

УДК 338.487:338.53

KORZH Nataliya,
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor at the Department of Management and Administration
of Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics
ofKyiv National University of Trade and Economics
87 SobornaStr., Vinnytsia, 21050, Ukraine
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ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4901-3078


Background.Revenue management complicates the situation in the hotel in a hotel business, which demonstrates decrease in relations and trust between hotels and clients because of opportunistic behavior of both parties.
The aim of the articleis to give an overview of the concept of revenue management in order to form dynamic competitive advantages and lasting mutually beneficial relations with clients.
Materials and methods.Methods of theoretical generalizations, comparisons, histo­rical and linguistic analysis were used to investigate and systematize scientific approaches to the development of the notion "revenue management".
Results.Strategic, tacticalandoperationalactionswithrevenuemanagementarestudiedbased onconsumervalueindividualization. A newdefinitionofrevenuemanage­mentisgroundedwithinthelimitsofthe conceptualvalue-orientedapproach, whichim­pliesdeliberatecreationofmutuallybeneficialrelationswithclientsbased onfairpricedifferentiation(andnotpricemanipulation) withinthelimitsofstructuredandpredicteddemand. Thesystemofrevenuemanagementofahotelwasdeveloped, whichconsistsofthetotalityofstructural, procedural, regularandbehavioralelementsaimedatreachingstra­tegicgoalsinhotelrevenuemanagement, unlikeothersystems.
Conclusion.A value-orientedapproachtorevenuemanagementreveals anewcon­ceptualsenseofthisinnovativemanagementtechnologyinthesphereofstimulationofsalesof no persistentoutputtomaximizeoptimalincomeofanenterprise, whichhelps form dynamic competitive advantages and lasting mutually beneficial relations with clients.
Keywordsrevenue management, consumer value, customer management, revenue management system, average customer value.


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