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Автор: Sveta on .

DOI:  http://doi.org/10.31617/visnik.knute.2019(126)09

UDC 005.336.2-057.33
Doctor of Economics, Professor at the Department of Economics and Business Finance,
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics,
19, Kyoto st., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine
E-mail: Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1738-8553



Background. Since the beginning of building a Ukrainian market economy the profession of an economist has become very popular and the role of economic education in connection with business development is growing nowadays. The trade sphere is not an exception and is in dire need of highly qualified personnel.
Analysis of the recent researches and publications. Some aspects of specialists training in economic sphere are covered in the papers of national and foreign scholars. The study of issues related to the peculiarities of professional activity of specialists in the field of trade is mostly concentrated on highly specialized professions in trade sphere. Therefore, it can be stated that there is no systematic scientific research and publications on practical issues concerning training of economists for the trade sphere.
The aim of the article is to analyze the demand of specialists with economic profile for the employers of the trade industry and to determine their professional tasks, response­bilities and opportunities for a career construction.
Materials and methods. The informational background of the study was the official data of the state institutions and publications in the personnel web portals. A number of general and special scientific methods of economic research have been used, including methods of generalization, comparative analysis, systematization, etc.
Results. The modern sphere of trade faces the issue of lack of professionals and specialists with experience, including economists. Educational institutions have responded to the needs of trade sector and started developing and improving training programs for future specialists in this field. In the course of mastering all the disciplines envisaged in the curriculum, the future specialist in trade economics is gradually acquiring the following competences: information, methodological, functional, social and personal.  
Conclusion. Thus, the profession of an economist is quite demanded in the labor market in all sectors of the national economy, including the sphere of trade. Although a large number of specialists in this profile are graduated from educational institutions, many business entities still need qualified economists.

Keywords: economist, trade, vacancies and salaries in the positions of economist, com­petencies, professional tasks and duties of economist of the trade enterprise, career of economist.


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