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Автор: Sveta on .

DOI: http://doi.org/10.31617/visnik.knute.2019(124)10

UDC 378(477)

Director of the Institute of Higher Qualification
at the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Kyoto  street, 19, Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine

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ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6409-8252


Background. Competitiveness of higher education is considered as one of the basic components of the national security system, a feature and precondition for successful develop­mentof individual regions and Ukraine in general. The problem of synchronous development of the educational services market is intensifying due to the increasing competition in the global space for the national economy.
The aim of the article is identification of the main trends in the development of the educational services national market on the basis of state and factors analysis that deter­mine the change in its specific characteristics.
Materials and methods. To achieve this goal, the following general scientific and special methods of research are used: dialectic, scientific abstraction (theoretical generali­zations and formulation of conclusions), comparison (comparison of actual data for separate periods), causative analysis (revealing tendencies of the development of educational services market), graphical – for visual representation of the research results, generalization – to formulate relevant conclusions. The information base of the study consists of legislative and regulatory acts, data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, theoretical and methodological scientific developments.
Results. Today, the educational services market is a powerful, widespread economic environment, where relations between its participants are realized in the sphere of creating a significant element of national wealth – knowledge, abilities, skills, personal intellectual and professional characteristics of citizens – the human capital of the country. The development of the educational services market in Ukraine is characterized by the following tendencies: increased competition between higher education institutions; optimization of the network of higher education institutionsHEI – market participants due to their consolidation, caused also by the problematic demographic situation in the country and the international migration of the population, youth in particular; the orientation of the higher education institutionsHEI for the modernization of the management system, built on the modern principles of academic freedom and university autonomy is formed; increasing cooperation between institutions of higher education and employers in the direction of developing the personnel training structure for the needs of the labor market and appropriate filling of educational programs with practical content; high motivation of young people to receive a prestigious profession; internationalization of higher education.
Conclusion. The rapid development of the modern educational services market necessitates a detailed study of the trends and regularities of functioning and forecasting of the directions of its future transformations on this basis. Creation of an effective and per­fect education system of the country will ensure the formation of a powerful market poten­tial according to the needs of the modern economy.

Keywords: educational services market, institutions of higher education, compe­tition, educational process, Higher Education, internationalization, globalization of educa­tional space.


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