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Автор: Sveta on .

DOI: http://doi.org/10.31617/visnik.knute.2019(123)04

UDC 141.2
 Ph.D. in Philosophy
 Associate Professor at the Department of Humanitarian Disciplines
 National University of Food Technologies
 68, Volodymyrska str., Kyiv, 01033, Ukraine
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ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4692-2145


Background. On the verge of thousands of years, humanity has come to a standstill in its civilizational development. Increasingly discussed, discussed and questioned the previously selected ways of development of society. There is a destruction of the usual stereotypes of thinking and life, a reappraisal of spiritual values. The processes of glo­balization accelerate the emergence of a new way of organizing social life and lead to the formation of a new world-view construct –cosmopolitanism.
The aim of this work is a review of the cosmopolitan paradigm in the materials of World Philosophical Congresses.
Materials and methods: method of comparatives is applied; transcendental, phenomenological, dialectic, historical methods, systematic rise, as well as the general scientific principle of objectivity.
ResultsShifts occurring in the mass consciousness require a new system of know­ledge about them and the World Philosophical Congresses show it quite convincingly. Modern mankind has entered the process of forming a single planetary civilization. With the rise of globalization, a new type of worldview is gaining momentum – cosmopolitanism. It becomes an ideological and ideological platform for the development of society. The leading trend is the ontological unity of the planetary community. These changes are an important tool for correcting the perception of social reality, the search for a new model of world perception.
The themes of the last World Conferences of Philosophy have essentially shifted to the realm of humanitarian, spirituality and ideological changes, cosmopolitism, natio­nalism and internationalism. It shows that the further progressive development of mankind is a dialogue between different cultures, religions, philosophical schools and concepts. International congresses of philosophers confirm that the further path of human deve­lopment requires a rethinking of existing dogmas; the cultivation of modern civilization; the priority of individual creativity; strengthening dialogue; affirmation of human-centered­ness; the spread of cosmopolitan scientific knowledge; formation of cosmopolitan centers, parties, movements; organization of anti-war and ecological movements; the spread of cosmo­politanism in the UN; cosmopolitan measurement of natural and man-made disasters. Cosmopolitism will bring the future closer. The ideas of the future are used today.
ConclusionThe world is at the point of cultural bifurcation, reflecting the critical period of modern history. Mankind moves from a state when it existed and developed in the form of various independent civilizations, to the state when the world becomes inter­connected and interdependent. However, the world community should find the "golden mean" that will allow it to balance between global and local, international and national, cultural and civilizational development. At the same time, the processes of cosmopoli­tanization need to be perceived as a new reality, new opportunities for understanding the world in which we live. All these issues are violated at the World Philosophical Congresses.

Keywords: cosmopolitanism, cosmopolitan paradigm, philosophical congress, world order, globalization.


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