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Автор: Sveta on .

DOI: http://doi.org/10.31617/visnik.knute.2018(121)06

UDC 658.818-047.44

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of Marketing Department, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Background. In a market turbulence, consumer satisfaction is a key tool in keeping consumers and ensuring their loyalty. The subjectivity of consumers’ satisfaction with its satisfaction creates risks when enterprises formulate measures aimed at increasing it.
Recent researches and publications analysis. The theoretical foundations of customer satisfaction research are laid down in the writings of such scholars as M. D. Hanna, N. Hill, P. Schwartz, and others. In Ukraine, applied aspects of this subject are studied by O. O. Litovkina, M. Rudenko, A. Yu. Chornyi and others. However, the problem of risk taking is not disclosed when formulating recommendations for increasing consumer satisfaction.
The aim of the article is to develop a methodical approach to assessing consumer satisfaction with the main components of the company’s marketing portfolio and to formulate recommendations for achieving the target level of satisfaction with minimal risk.
Materials and methods. Materials of scientific works (15 sources) are used. Methods used: analysis and synthesis - to systematize methods for assessing satisfaction; questionnaire surveys and statistical analysis - to determine the level of satisfaction and relevant risk indicators; linear optimization and logical - in formulating recommendations to increase risk-based satisfaction.
Results. The essence of the category of consumer satisfaction and methods of its evaluation are considered. The methodical approach to the assessment of consumer satisfaction with the components of the marketing complex of the enterprise is offered. The procedure of substantiation of recommendations aimed at ensuring the target level of customer satisfaction with minimal risk is developed.
Conclusion. Testing the results of research has shown that taking into account the risk can increase the scientific validity, efficiency and practical value of the recommendations for ensuring the target level of consumer satisfaction.
Keywords: consumer satisfaction, ways of satisfaction estimation, marketing-mix instruments, risk, decision making under risk.


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