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Автор: Sveta on .

DOI: http://doi.org/10.31617/visnik.knute.2018(120)07


Postgraduate student of Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

Background. The presentation of cars on the Internet allows car dealers quickly and to precisely promote the goods in the national and international markets. As for buyers, the Internet provides convenience of search and selection of a desirable car, studying its characteristics and responses of other buyers, provides independence of influ­ence of the seller, facilitates registration on test drive, etc.
Thus there is a need of understanding of processes of management of potential cars buyers behavior, starting from the development of an algorithm of assessment of behavior of potential buyers on the websites of car dealers.
Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. The analysis of the last researches and publications has shown that applied aspects of a research of behavior of potential cars buyers on the Internet was studied insufficiently, based on definition of the indicators characterizing their behavior and also drawing up an algorithm of estimation.
The aim is to research behavior of potential buyers of cars on the Internet, based on drawing up standard of an automobile brand, calculation of complex assessment of cars buyers behavior on the Internet, establishments of correlation interrelation between complex assessment of car buyers behavior and sales volumes of car dealers, providing recommen­dations to car dealers about improvement of their marketing activity on the Internet.
Materials and methods. General scientific, simple ranging, desk researches, econo­metric methods have been used in the research.
Results. Assessment of behavior of potential buyers of cars of 30 automobile brands on the Internet has been carried out by the author. Comparison on 18 indicators, selected on the basis of information of the SEO services "Similarweb", "Pr-cy" and "Brand24" was carried out. Indicators concern attendance of the websites, conversion of visitors, the number of keywords on whom potential buyers find the websites of dealers, traffic sources.
The standard of an automobile brand has been made by the author on the basis of the best values of the studied indicators. Complex assessment of behavior of potential automobile buyers on the Internet was calculated during the research. Complex assessment was compared to sales volumes on the basis of determination of correlation dependence.
Conclusion. It has been established that there is no statistically significant linear
communication between studied variables. The behavior of potential buyers on the Internet reflects only interest in a brand, they investigate the market, learn more information about technical characteristics of modern cars, monitor promo offers or emergence of new models.
Keywords: car buyers’ behavior, car brands, car market, Internet research, SEO instruments, correlation analysis, method of buyers. assessment


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