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Автор: Sveta on .

UDC 338.48 (477)
Hanna DUTKA,
Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor, Vice Rector for teaching, methodological and educational work of Lviv Institute of Economy and Tourism
Background. The permanent crisis, which has developed in the socio-economic sphere in the countryside, requires the most recent non-standard approaches to solving the problems of employment of rural population, increasing the entrepreneurial potential of rural areas, raising the level of incomes and quality of life of the population of rural areas. One of the directions of solving many problems with increasing the competitiveness of the Ukrainian village, preserving its status, improving image, infrastructure development, increasing the welfare of the population, etc. is the organization of rural (green) tourism, which in Ukraine is increasing the scale of development.
An analysis of recent research and publications has shown that the works of many domestic scientists are devoted to the development and functioning of rural (green) tourism. However, some aspects of this problem remain inadequately studied and require additional research, especially in terms of statistical analysis and the formulation of proposals for improving the efficiency of development of rural (green) tourism at the regional level.
The aim of the paper is to develop a methodological approach to integrated assess­ment of the development of rural (green) tourism in the regions of Ukraine. Ranking and grouping of regions will allow to determine the concentration of resource potential and will show the differentiation of the effectiveness of the development of RgT in the regions of Ukraine.
Materials and methods. In the course of the research, methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, induction and deduction, statistical analysis, rating and generalization were used.
Results. The results of ranking and grouping of regions of Ukraine according to the results of calculating the integral indicator of rural (green) tourism have shown that the three leaders in the development of RgT are formed by Ivano-Frankivsk, Mykolayiv and Volyn regions. Ternopil, Chernihiv and Poltava regions occupy the lowest positions in the ranking.
According to the results of the study, proposals were elaborated, in particular, it was noted that in today’s conditions the main task of state institutions at the regional level is to provide favorable conditions for the development of tourism business in the country­side on the basis of social, economic and environmental safety. Possibilities for financial and economic maneuvers, freedom to choose priorities, forms and activities for partici­pants of business projects in the field of rural tourism should be created not by rigid administrative regulation, but by free market.
Conclusion. The results of the analysis of statistical data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine showed that the development of RgT in Ukraine is characterized by a slow pace and low efficiency of the use of available labor potential of rural residents and resource potential of rural areas. The highest level of development of rural tourism is characteristic for the regions of western Ukraine, the lowest for industrially oriented regions of the East and the South. Tourism in Ukraine has all the prospects for effective functioning.
Prospects for further research are the formation of mechanisms and methods for effective management of the field of rural (green) tourism, both in the regions and in the country as a whole, which will make it possible to increase the competitiveness of the domestic tourism market in the international arena.
Keywords: tourism, rural tourism, green tourism, countryside (rural territory), ranking of regions, grouping of regions.