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Автор: Sveta on .

UDC 378.05(477)
Postgraduate student of the Finance Department  of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Background. By ordering specialists training, the state can provide access to higher education and adjust the supply and demand in the market of skilled labor. For Ukraine, budget financing has a priority, therefore, it is expedient to justify existing problems in providing higher education with public finances and to find ways to level their influence on the development of higher educational institutions and the quality of educational services.
The analysis of recent researches and publications has shown that theoretical and methodological research in this field can not be considered complete, because the dynamics of the state make constant adjustments to already established processes and trends, and therefore requires constant study.
The aim of the article is to identify problems in the system of state financing of higher educational institutions of Ukraine and to find ways to eliminate them.
Materials and methods. In the course of the research, methods of comparative analysis, synthesis and system approach were used in the analysis of the efficiency of budget financing of universities. The information base of the study is based on the legislative base of Ukraine that regulates the development of higher education, statistics of domestic and foreign institutions and organizations, analysis of scientific papers on financing of higher education.
Results. The peculiarities of the legislative base regulating the state financing of universities, the effectiveness and coherence of which determine the mechanism and the executors of the state order for the training of qualified specialists have been explored and disclosed; it outlines the scenario of financing higher education at the expense of the state budget; regulates the mechanisms for the formation and distribution of public procurement and, as a consequence, forms the supply of labor potential in the labor market and its quality.
Conclusion. Among the problematic issues that exist in the field of public financing of higher education, one can distinguish those that require the fastest solution, namely: the imperfection of the legislative framework, which requires further improvement of the processes of formation and placement of state orders for the training of specialists in higher education institutions; secondly, the irrational distribution of allocations by the main spending units among government contractors, which makes it possible for non-popular students to paranet at the expense of the state; thirdly, the low cost of training of one student, and, consequently, the insufficient level of funding for the university, which makes it impossible to improve the quality of educational services.
Keywords: higher education, state financing, higher educational institution, executor of state order, gross domestic product.