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Автор: Sveta on .

UDC 339.543
Doctor of Economics, Asssociate Professor of the International Economic Relations Department of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Post-graduate student of the International Economic Relations Department of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Background. At the current stage of development of the world economic system, simplifying and reducing customs and tariff restrictions should be considered as the prerequisite for the country's integration into the world economy and the development of its foreign trade activities.
The review of scientific sources showed that both positive and negative consequences of liberalization of customs and tariff regulation on the current state of foreign economic activity of Ukraine, taking into account the tendencies of the transformation of the world system of foreign trade relationsneed more detailed study.
The aim of the research is to determine the current state and analyze the trends of tariff protection of Ukraine in the context of liberalization of customs tariff regulation.
Materials and methods. Methods of analysis and synthesis, abstraction and generalization were used. The research was conducted on the materials of World Bank, World Trade Organization and State Fiscal Service of Ukraine.
Results. On the basis of statistical data, was carried out a critical analysis of common theses concerning the recognition of the liberalization of customs and tariff regulation as a necessary prerequisite for the development of the world economy in general and national economies, in particular, of Ukraine. The characteristics of tariff protection of Ukraine in the absolute and relative (in comparison with the main foreign trade partners) dimensions are systematized. It is proved that the state and dynamics of tariff protection indicators of Ukraine correspond to modern tendencies of liberalization of the regulatory policy of states. It is shown that the level of customs and tariff protection of the domestic market of Ukraine is closer to the tariff plans of the developed countries than of countries with a transitory economy or developing countries. This fact indicates that the conditions of competition with imports from countries comparable to the level of economic development (and, especially, from developed countries) are not in favor of Ukraine due to the lower level of tariff protection of the national market.
Conclusion. Despite the general focus on reducing tariff rates and their abolition, the liberalization of customs and tariff regulation requires the development of certain moderate mechanisms for its implementation. The purpose of developing such mechanisms should be to ensure a reasonable level of customs protection, which contributes to the realization of the national interests of the state, subject to the general tendency towards the liberalization of national tariffs.
Keywords: customs tariff regulation, liberalization, tariff protection, customs tariff.