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Автор: Sveta on .

UDC 172.16
PhD, Associate Professor at the Philosophy Department of National University of Food Technologies


Background. Cosmopolitanism is widely discussed in social, philosophical, political and other research. Variety of opinions often is controversial. It generates discussion and requires clarification of value of cosmopolitanism. Background creates problems for the return of current trends global and regional political integration, the development of supranational institutions, strengthening the concept of international legal personality, the increase in migration, the formation of information society and new means of communication, dissemination of uniform standards of culture.
The aim of this work is an attempt of conceptualization of the phenomenon of cosmopolitanism as an ideological principle and ideology, opening its nature and essence through the prism of the formation and development of the concept.
Materials and methods. Comparative method is the basic method of the research, transcendental, phenomenological, dialectical, historical methods, system and multisystem approach are also used.
Results. Modern humanity has entered the process of forming a single planetary civilization in which individual countries may lose the status of independent self-contained units. Social reality is significantly transformed under the influence of globalization, development of national states achieved tangible crisis and the debate on cosmopolitanism is becoming urgent now.
The global inter-ethnic space serves as the basis for the possible existence of a cosmopolitan society. Globalization eliminates the values of national cultures, contributes to a one-cultural world and forms the human type of cosmopolitan thinking.
Analyzing possible scenarios of global development, U. Beck considers the term "cosmopolitan democracy". It is based on the experience of self-comprehension civil society and transnational importance of fundamental rights. The new cosmopolitanism can overcome the imperfections of humanity through establishment of cosmopolitan democracy. The concept involves the formation of new cosmopolitanism socio-cultural space with the generally accepted rules, norms, stereotypes communication. They permeate all cultures and change the nature of the dialogue between them.
Conclusion. Cosmopolitanism is long overdue, but response to present challenges of a globalized world, the transition to the network society is still not clear and reasonable. We do not know how it will develop further humanity. Processes of integration and interdependence of nations will gain momentum. Resistance process definitions will be intensified. Depending on the implementation of possible scenarios assessment will consist of the phenomenon of cosmopolitanism and its impact on the future of civilization.
Keywords: cosmopolitanism, globalization, cosmopolitan democracy, world order, transnational space, new cosmopolitanism.