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UDC 130.2:316.3
ASTAFIEV Anatoliy,
PhD, Head of the Cultural Policy Sector of Humanitarian Security Department
National Institute for Strategic Studies
Background. Analysis of the impact of global culture on the local world (national culture, socio-cultural identity, regions) is important not only from the standpoint of modernization opportunities of transitional society, but also in terms of understanding value-semantic units which might contradict modernization, innovation and integration in the global processes. That is why the study of a "learned helplessness" as a collective form of social behavior is relevant in a transitional society, because this phenomenon of social passivity affects cultural practices and political settings. It can be the main factor hampering modernization and integration of the transition society into the global process. An alternative may be the concept of "siege mentality", which in its essence is response to new global challenges, protection of the territory and society, effective security policy development and modernization of society.
Analysis of recent research and publications showed that despite the existence of certain scientific achievements, important scientific and practical problem to overcome social and cultural exclusion in a transitional society, particularly in the global culture remains unresolved.
The aim of the article is to analyze existing views and propose ways to overcome the interpretation of socio-cultural alienation, determine by scientific methods causes of the phenomenon of "siege mentality" and "learned helplessness" as two different ways of social and cultural localization - answers to global challenges.
Material and methods. The paper used a wide range of general and special methods of humanitarian and economic research, including methods of synthesis, comparative analysis, statistical analysis, structural analysis and comparison, systematization, system analysis and others.
Results. Overcoming socio-cultural alienation recurrence (first of all phenomenon of learned helplessness) is a condition of not only recovery of the transitional society, but also spread of the modernization thinking. In the developed societies actively implementing the principles of creative economy, culture has become an engine of creative and economic activity, not just a carrier of symbolic meanings and functions (that is inherent in world political and regulatory environments in transitional societies). On the other hand, in terms of global processes and security challenges, thinking close to the security rationality of "siege mentality" is alternative to local resistance in a form of social passivity and learned helplessness. This understanding of the world as "permanent instability" to analyze which static theories and approaches, especially those that were formulated in the previous historical and global terms cannot be applied. The need for formation of security environment as a part of modernization logic and the opportunity to participate in the modernization process of the whole society is a crucial condition for participation in the actual world processes.
Conclusion. Unlike existing publications first understanding the phenomenon of "siege mentality" and "learned helplessness" in a transitional society analysis is applied to social and cultural exclusion and regional identity. This scientific problem requires an interdisciplinary approach. It is essential to the formation of an effective security rationality and requires the use of instruments of social and philosophical, political, sociological, cultural, media-cultural, psychological, economic and other approaches. Considering the need to implement "legging modernization" of transitional society, culture in such processes should be decisive.
Therefore, for the development of culture transitional society is important to overcome the vestiges of negative socio-cultural transgressions and social passivity, outdated ideas of the bureaucratic class about the nature of the state, society and culture that stand on the way of modernization. The conceptual provisions require further research in overcoming socio-cultural alienation as a condition that inhibits the formation and development of a transitional society. Understanding culture as an engine of not only symbolic, but also creative and economic action is an important factor for the development of effective public policies that contribute to the potential of citizens. This will only increase the modernization processes in transitional societies.
Keywords: global culture, blokade mindset, transitional society, learned helplessness, social action.